Willows Family Tree
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Generation 1: True(?) Love(?)
Laws of Succession: None
Name: Jacqueline Willows
Gender:Cisgender Female
Orientation: Aromantic Lesbian (Closeted)
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Traits: Music Lover, Lazy, Self-Absorbed

Jacqueline is the younger of two sisters. She grew up as a latchkey kid. She had little in the way of sex ed, and is completely oblivious to her own desires, following along with heteronormativity because she's never considered another option. She is a misandrist and a dominatrix prone to serial cheating with men as she does not consider her marriage to be real.
Name: Amelia Willows (nee Brunson)
Gender:Cisgender Female
Orientation: Sapphic Asexual
Aspiration: Super Parent
Traits: Foodie, Unflirty, Non-Committal

Flighty Amelia has never committed to much of anything in her life, floating through it on hopes and dreams, going where her heart takes her, from partner to partner and job to job. All she knows for sure is that she desperately wants to be the best mom ever, so when the opportunity to become the mother of her best friend and crush's child arises, she takes it and proposes.